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AS/NZS1906.4:2010 - Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes 

This Standard specifies the photometric, colorimetric and physical property requirements for high-visibility materials for outdoor daytime use, or retroreflective materials for use at night or in other dark conditions to be used for the manufacture of, or for incorporation into industrial safety garments designed to be worn in situations where the wearer needs to be highly visible.

This standard specifies minimum colour and luminance requirements for 2 classifications of fabrics fluorescent (F) or non-fluorescent (NF) background (compliant) materials and retro-reflective material (reflective tape) as used in the manufacture of garments for high risk applications.

Class F (fluorescent background material) - Refers to Fluorescent fabrics which have been produced by dying with dyes augmented by Flourescent pigments. These include all 100% Polyester garments, all PU & Polyester Oxford Fabrics and many Polycotton blends. .

Class NF” (Non—fluorescent background material) - Class NF fabrics are allowed to pass the requirements at a much lower luminance than Class F materials. These are predominantly fabrics made from natural fibres in particular 100% Cotton as most natural fibres will not hold Fluorescent Dyes.

Compliance of both fabric & Reflective tapes to this standard is also a requirement of AS/NZS4602.1:2011. While we do not show our AS/NZS1906.4:2010 certification online, you can be assured that every garment complies as this is checked and noted near the top of the AS/NZS4602.1:2011 certificates which are available under each product on this site. These certificates are issued by a local independantly audited laboratory to ensure full compliance and transparency.



AS/NZS4602.1:2011 + Amendment No. 1 - High visibility safety garments

This Standard specifies the visual requirements for high visibility safety garments for occupational wear by people who may be exposed to the hazard of moving traffic, moving plant or equipment in high risk situations. The Standard covers garments suitable for daytime wear (Day Only use), night-time wear where they will be seen by retroreflected light (Night Use) or for wear under both conditions (Day/Night Use) but excludes garments for use by fire services.

Day Only use - This specifies the design of garments including the minimum area of fluorescent or nonfluorescent background (compliant) materials present, including fabric, design and colours. A Day Only use garment must have a minimum 0.2m² of Hi-Vis orange or yellow fabric on both the front & back that completely encircles the upper body excluding sleeves and any non-compliant fabric collars & plackets.

Day/Night use - This specifies the design of garments including the minimum area of fluorescent or nonfluorescent background (compliant) materials present, including fabric, Reflective Tape, design and colours. Designed to ensure visibility of the user in high risk applications under any light conditions by day and under illumination by vehicle headlights in the dark (24 hours visibility). A Day/Night use garment must have a minimum 0.2m² of Hi-Vis orange or yellow fabric on both the front & back that completely encircles the upper body excluding sleeves and any non-compliant fabric collars & placket (fabric covered by retro-reflective tape is excluded from this calculation). Retro-reflective material on the front and the back of the garment must comply within the design parameters specified in the standard. This retro-reflective material must be 50mm wide.

Night use - A Night use garment must include 50mm wide Retro-reflective material on the front and the back of the garment within the design parameters specified in the standard.

All our Hi-Vis garments are certified by an Independently audited local laboratory to this standard. Full certification can be found under each product on this site. Certification can be downloaded for reference purposes.



TTMC-W17 - Code of practice for temporary traffic management (CoPTTM) - Section B3 - High Visibility Garments

This standard is a component of Part 8 of the Traffic Control Devices Manual (TCD Manual) Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM). TTMC-W17 is the latest version and outlines the requirements for Garments to be used in activities covered by the CoPTTM. TTMC-W17 Garment certification while aligned with the AS/NZS4602.1 standard is more specific and requires additional design compliance and specific dimensions. One of the requirements of the TTMC-W17 standard is that "TTMC-W17" must be clearly marked on the garment labels, which is a first visual reference to the compliance.

The best definition of when/where you are required to use a TTMC-W17 garment comes from the preface to the CoPTTM and is reproduced below for reference purposes only;

"The NZ Transport Agency’s Code of practice for temporary traffic management (CoPTTM) describes best practice for the safe and efficient management and operation of temporary traffic management (TTM) on all roads in New Zealand.

            Its application applies to any activity that varies the normal conditions of any road and applies to the total road reserve.        "

All our TTMC-W17 garments have been Certified in an independently audited local laboratory to the TTMC-W17 standards as well as to the AS/NZS4602.1:2011 standards. You can find both certificates under the individual product page on this site.

The following link & QR code will take you to Part 8 of the TCD Manual if you require further info. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/assets/resources/code-temp-traffic-management/docs/2018/section-b-equipment-copttm-4th-ed-nov2018.pdf


NZFOA - NZ Forestry Guidelines for High Visibility Clothing

This is an Industry standard for the NZ Commercial Forestry Industry, provided by the New Zealand Forestry Owners Association. Its requirements are lower in some areas than the AS/NZS4602.1 but it does state that any garments which comply with AS/NZS4602.1 are accepted for use. By this designation all our Hi-Vis garments which meet AS/NZS4602.1 are suitable and we classify them as compliant to the NZFOA standards. Day Only use is Classified by NZFOA as FID compliant and Day/Night Use is classified as FIDN.

Our Registration number as a supplier of NZFOA High Visibility clothing is; FOA1033

The following link & QR code will take you to the NZFOA guidelines on the NZFOA website; https://www.nzfoa.org.nz/images/stories/pdfs/content/highviz/guidelinesdecember2012_web.pdf


AS/NZS4399:2017 - Sun protective clothing (UPF rating)

This Standard sets out procedures for determining the performance of materials and items of clothing that are worn in close proximity to the skin to provide protection against solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR). The sun protective capability of materials and clothing is described in terms of their UPF, which is based on an objective, reproducible test conducted on the material. This information is provided to the consumer in the form of a labelling scheme.

This Standard applies to all materials and items of clothing seeking to claim a UPF rating. All such clothing needs to be designed in a manner that supports the concept of minimal skin exposure. Thus, this Standard specifies the amount of body surface that an item of clothing needs to cover in order to be allowed to make a UPF claim.


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